Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Steve Jobs Personality

Type Today marks part four of our 16 part series exploring the sixteen Myers-Briggs Type emailprotected riddle personality types and related notable Celebrity figures shoemakers last-to-end time. Previously we examined Celebrity John D Rockefeller and the emailprotected test EST personality type. This week we examine the SITS (Introversion-sensing-Thinking- Perceiving) and the late great mastermind behind the Apple, Steve Jobs. Most people remember Steve Jobs as the co-founder and CEO of Apple Inc and Paxar Inc.Steve Jobs was also an individual that mastered his AMBIT type, the SITS, allowing him o surpass in a unique position in his industry that lead to technical advancements that we often take for granted in this day of age. Like many a(prenominal) Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Introverts who prefer thinking and sensing, Steve Jobs used his preferences primarily internally to analyze the data he gathered in an organized fashion overmuch wish well the computers he helped deve lop. He was able to detach and objectively criticize the projects he worked on.This sometimes insensitive approach to problems was a double edged vane that lead to Jobs being fired from Apple in 1985 after losing a rower struggle with Apples board of directors. Fortunately, Steve Jobs didnt give up, and utilized his Perceiving preference to remain tractile and spontaneous in his approach to work. He acquired the computer graphics division from Localisms and turned it into the critically and financially acclaimed Paxar Studios. He also started up NeXT Inc. That was acquired by Apple Inc. In 1996, and over the next four years Steve Jobs ascended to CEO of Apple bringing him full circle with the company.Steve Jobs also showcased how SITS types focus on expeditiously working on projects and was a rim believer in doing only what was needed with the least amount of fuss. Efficiency and innovation were key focus points throughout his career. You can see this today in the products that App le releases. From the mimic, to the pod, to the phone, all three are innovations which are streamlined, clean, and efficient products that attract a full spectrum of customers. Apple produces a set amount of products that are mass produced for cost efficiency and quality control.This has allowed Apple to control the image of all the products they produce unlike open sourced platforms like he PC. This did not come without risk as many manufacturers looked down on Apple for their lack of flexibility in the asss alone it is that exact witticism of adaptable, action- orientated risk taking that is synonymous with SITS personality types. Not many people got to know the man behind the keynote speeches closely while he was alive. This is something that is common with Introverts. Most accounts were from people that worked for Steve Jobs. At one point Fortune named Steve Jobs one of Silicon Valleys leading egomaniacs.He was also known as a demanding perfectionist, but that was a side effec t of the extreme SITS preference that is often seen as confident, independent, and self-determined. Steve Jobs set the bar high and worked until the very end to meet those standards. In the end Jobs did things his own way. Through his successes and failures he changed the technical landscape forever and showed what a motivated SITS can achieve. See more at http//carcinogenicitys. Com/ assessments/ambit/965-celebrity-personality-type-Steve-Jobs/stash. Qwerty. Duff oscilloscope By Shabby

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